Exchanges & Returns

If the returned product does not meet the return conditions below, we unfortunately cannot accept the return.

What are the return options?

- If you are not satisfied with your order, you can return or exchange your order within 30 days of receipt.

What is the returns procedure?

- You can return your product within 30 days of receipt.

- After registering your return, you have another 14 days to send your return. This can easily be done by following the instructions below.

- As soon as your return has been received by us in good order, it will be processed as quickly as possible (no later than 5 working days). The order must be returned in the original packaging.

- The refund will be deposited into the account with which you placed the order within 14 days of receipt of your return.

Please note: if you purchased a starter package, set or color set, you must return it in full.

Are returns free?

- The shipping costs for returning your order are at your own expense. If you are not satisfied with your order, you can indicate this when registering your return. If we see that we have made a mistake, we will pay the shipping costs and you will get them back from us.


When you exchange your order, we will send you the new product free of charge.

My product is broken/damaged, can I return it for free?

- If your order is broken or damaged, please contact Moods Gellac customer service. You can of course return a broken or damaged product that falls within the warranty period free of charge.


- We have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee on all our products. And we offer a 12-month warranty on our nail lamps.

Return instructions

Step 1: Download the return form

Print the form.

Step 2: Complete the form completely

Send this form with the return shipment.

Step 3: Return the package

The return address is stated on the form.

Keep the shipping receipt until you are sure that Moods Gellac has received your package safely. We will need this if we do not receive the return package.

E-mail your order details (order number) and shipping details of the package to

Not satisfied with the product or do you have other questions? You can always contact us at

Download the return form here.


Bestellen en betalen

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Mijn account

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